
OK, you cat lovers, here’s one for you. Biggie slipped out of the house and when he reemerged, he had a fractured leg. Dr. Peck repaired it, but it wasn’t healing properly so it had to be amputated. The expense of two surgeries was too much for his owners,...

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear has an immune disorder called pemphigus foliaceus and needs large amounts of drugs to even partially control his disease.  Dr. Schwassman suspects there may be cancer internally that is triggering the disease.  We are helping Teddy get chest radiographs and...


CoCo was at Orange Co. Animal Services with a carpal (wrist) injury. That is not a position in which you would want to find yourself. But the heavens were smiling on CoCo that day because a lovely couple came in and fell in love with CoCo’s sweet nature....


Largo is a HH alum who was diagnosed with cancer two years ago.  He has had a myriad of other medical issues as well, and his mama has diligently treated them all.  She finally reached the end of her pet insurance and her ability to pay the full price for treatment. ...


What could make a former Marine cry? Having a beloved dog who needs more then $13,000 of surgery. Although he didn’t actually cry when faced with this news, he did let out a heavy resigned sigh. It was enough to make Dr. Tano conclude that Dixie should become a...


Sage, an Australian Shepherd, has a fracture of her humerus caused by jumping off the couch and needs orthopedic surgery.