Bentley is a beagle who came to Senior Hounds Abound rescue with seizures. One of our former volunteer families agreed to foster him for them, so he is living a great life except for the seizures and some significant anxiety issues. He has been to see trainer extraordinaire Todd Langston to work through the anxiety issues, and that is improving.
His veterinarian has put him on seizure medicine but it doesn’t seem to be working for him, so the next step is to see a great neurologist. Enter Dr. Kara Knight at Blue Pearl Maitland! Bentley will be seeing her soon, and we offered to help Senior Hounds Abound by making him a Houndhaven Helps dog. He will be our first neurology patient, but we have confidence that Dr. Knight will be able to help him based on the great work she has done for our Houndhaven dogs through the years.