
Chocolate/White SpanielX


Type: SpanielX

Age:  2 Years Old

Sex:  Female

Size:  50 lbs.

Color:  Chocolate/White

This two-toned sweetie is Babydoll.  She’s a female spaniel mix estimated to be about 2 years old.  Babydoll is affectionate and loving and even though she weighs 50 lbs., she will crawl into your lap for some snuggling.  She recently had puppies.  Her puppies were taken by a rescue that only takes puppies so Babydoll couldn’t go with them.  She is from northern FL where she was a stray and comes to Houndhaven from animal control there.  She will be spayed soon.  To adopt adorable chocolate & white Babydoll, review our policies and submit an application.

Arrived:  August 6 2022


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